Meet the President
Since 1979, CGi has proven to be stable and resilient to many of the downturns and upswings associated to the semiconductor market. Carter Glassblowing Inc. has remained on the vanguard of quartz glassblowing by developing processes and strategies to create quality quartzware for many important processing industries. Our commitment to quality runs full circle. From the moment your inquiry is made until the project is completed to your satisfaction, all departments are single minded in the understanding that what we deliver will exceed your expectations.
The relationship we build with our clients is how Carter Glassblowing Inc. is truly defined. CGI will be a leading quartzware company in which quality, innovation and service will exceed our clients expectations while demonstrating uncompromising ethics and appreciation for our customers and employees.
CGi would like to thank our many clients for their continued support and we encourage you to call our toll free number 1-888-273-5525 or complete our easy online form to experience what has taken over 30 years to perfect. Complete Customer Satisfaction.
We encourage you to call our toll free number 1-888-273-5525 or complete the easy online form below to experience what has taken over 37 years to perfect – Complete Customer Satisfaction!